
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cardweaving and other tidbits

There is this ad on Craigslist, which I almost fainted over, I mean wow the price is insane, I emailed and got an error or undeliverable message. REALLY are the weaving gods just not in my celestial house?? I was just drooling over the whole mess of looms planned projects and everything in a matter of nano seconds, oh well, tomorrow is another day.. or so I've been told.

These are my pitiful card woven strips, Oye!!! The edges are very scary and I made some errors here and there but the exercise was good for the mind and creative mojo, I will have to make the bookmarks for my son on the inkle since that is one project that I'd like to finish. All the looms in the house are once again nekkid, but that will be resolved this weekend. I'm planning something for each one.

The RH needs to get warped for some kitchen towels, the troops are complaining that everyone has gotten great kitchen towel gifts, but in the weaver's house the kitchen is bare not so, since Meg at Megweaves sent me a great towel that is in constant use, but since they are by default Cuban they exaggerate with grand hand gestures and extreme expressions (it really does look like Ricky Ricardo when he gets annoyed at Lucy). That reminds me of an old Spanish quote "En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo". Literally, in the house of the blacksmith there are wooden knives (that would really be annoying).

The Structo is going to be getting some warp for Baja Bags, I've finally decided that I will need to create these on something more than my poor inkle speaking of which, needs to get warped for the straps for the bags, I need a hat band, and my son's bookmarks maybe not in that order but you get the idea.


Delighted Hands said...

You are weaving and this is good!

The loom looks like a great deal-did you give up or will you try to get in touch with them somehow!!!

Leigh said...

Oh, what a deal for those looms! Did you contact Craigslist?

You've got so many lovely projects and wonderful ideas.

Theresa said...

My, my, someone is going to be busy this weekend, sounds like lots of yummy projects coming up. I had to laugh at your translation. It certainly made the start of my day a happy one. Imagine indeed!

bspinner said...

These are certainly not pityful. I've tried card weaving once and believe me I wouldn't have taken a picture of it.

Your next loom buy will even be better.