
Monday, January 10, 2011


As I was weaving along on the dishtowels (I'm on the third one in red) I needed to steal an idea from my mom's sewing room. She has, for as long as I can remember always tied scrap material to the neck of her sewing machine to put in the pins. As I strapped my loom with my improvised pin cushion I found that this material was tubular, this is the scarf warp that I sleyed two strands per dent. I was surprised and baffled, why did this happen, I know the how but why?? Some weaver's need to clue me in on the why, it's neat, but I need some answers. I research through some books but no answers.

Speaking of the warp for the scarf I did finish it before Christmas but declined to gift it. The scarf's edges are how do I put this delicately..... well honesty, they look like crap, there really is no way of masking my disappointment with it, I threw it in the closet only to bring it out today to snap a sad ass picture of the craptastic looking scarf edges. The weave itself looks good, I like the structure, which I will try again at some point, but the edges arrrrgggghhh.

Needless to say I need to make a replacement scarf for my SIL, that's the next project in queue for the loom.


Delighted Hands said...

You have woven a double weave piece! Congrats. The scarf with the less than ideal edging can be saved by sewing a trim on the edge. Lots of weavers save a piece this way and since you already know how to sew you are ahead of the curve! You can do this!


So if it's double weave would you cut it open or leave it??

ladyoftheloom said...

Congratulations on weaving unintentional doubleweave! I have no idea how you did that and I have woven intentional doubleweave....

i would leave it because if you cut it won't it unravel?

Lynn Majidimehr said...

love your doubleweave pincushion! If you cut it apart, you'll have to sew along the edge, because you don't have any selvedges.

Judy said...

I'm agree with the other people who have left comments-sewing a fabric edging on the piece would look great. You could find a unique fabric that brings out the colors of your piece.

There are a couple of great double weave books out there you might want to read that might help you to figure out what happened.

Benita said...

I agree with Judy and the rest. Save that handwoven fabric by sewing on edge pieces and make something with it.