I've spoken to Mr Levy, Bill and Peggy, really sweet older couple with the 40"
Macomber from my previous post. Bill called me late Thursday to inform me that "if I like the loom I couldn't take it because the condo
commandos would be on the look out". As it turns out, Bill and Peggy live in a condo on the Penthouse floor (20 stories) in Pompano Beach, big issue. I then told Bill, that " regretfully if I fell in love and I couldn't take the loom Saturday, it would be very difficult during the workweek, since the condo only allows moving anything even garbage to M-F 9-2" and I can't get anymore time off since I'd taken some time with my mom, so I declined to keep our appointment on Saturday. He then told me if I came out to see it and I really wanted it and could use it he would give it to me for FREE, I
almost died. He asked me to please reconsider because he really wanted to get rid of it and if I didn't take it he would hire some movers to SAW it to pieces and DUMP IT!! My weaver instinct was in full rage
OMG they're going to KILL it and DUMP IT,
aaaaacccccckkkkkkk what can I do!!! My hubby saw the terror in my eyes and he said "let just go and see it".
We went, met with Bill and Peggy, I fell in love with the loom as I knew I would, turns out she is a 10 harness, 4 that were installed and 6 that Peggy found while shifting some things in a closet, with 5+ reeds, a warping board, a bunch of sticks what I think is a
raddle and rods in a milk can , a bench and a basket of yarn. When we were about to leave Bill says to my husband "oh you know we have MORE YARN in this little storage closet. Yeah, I got that too, my son had the morning off and my hubby took a personal day, they went to get my loom and yarn, according to my son I should consider renting an apartment just to store this "stuff", I didn't answer him but I thought well if you moved out.......... that's another post.
The loom and yarn are at my house in my garage, I plan to start weeding through it all when I get home, is it 4:30 yet?
I'm nervous and excited and will take photos for you to see.