
Monday, February 07, 2011

Bit of Everything

I've been searching for a decorative pillow for this chair since I moved into the new apartment. We bought the chair and side table for the living room since we only had a love seat and Mr. Deepend's throne (recliner) for seating it was a challenge when we had more than two guests. As I was looking around in all the stores I was a bit floored by the fact that a 1/4 yard of fabric and some stuffing = $26.00+ pillow. I thought that it seemed expensive and never mind what Mr. Deepend thought, which were along the lines of "pillows, we don't need no stinking pillows" said with a heavy accent (yes, we are talented in recalling movie lines, if you could only hear the Scarface impressions it's scary and not in a good way either).
As I was walking around in Joanne Fabrics this Saturday perusing the fabric section, I found this eggplant fabric in the clearance section. I was so thrilled that I did a happy Snoopy dance in the isle, got some odd looks but I didn't care, no sir no one bit.

A while later and some stitching and we have a pillow that passes Sasha inspection and all, the best part it only cost me $4.50.
After my pillow accomplishment I was ready to start warping my loom has been nekid for a week and that is just too long not to weave. I picked these yarns from the inherited bins. Navy - 100% wool, Country Blue 100% Mohair, Caribbean Blue 75% wool, 25% alpaca and white 75% Mohair 25% wool. I wore gloves to wrap the warping board and to handle getting on the beam. The two yarns with Mohair gave me a bit of a workout since they kept sticking to each other and getting stuck on the lease sticks. I only broke two warp threads and was able to tie them back together.There is no rhyme or reason to the warp, I just picked the colors and randomly wrapped only counted the threads at the two ends for finishing symmetry the middle is whatever I felt like doing at the time.

Since the colors remind me of the ocean I thought this draft would be interesting to work. (blogger has put the pic sideways, ah Mondays they're tough on everyone) I like the fact that the draft looks like waves and the theme just continues. Will it work on this warp? I dunno but I'm planning on having some fun and finding out.


Delighted Hands said...

The new pillow is very pretty! The new project on the loom will be excellent-fun!

Loree Jackson said...

Yeah, I always go to the clearance section at Joann's. You probably went to the wonderful Joann's on Pines Blvd. I go to that one on my lunch breaks. The one by my house doesn't have as much "stuff".

What color are you going to use for your weft on the new project?

WonderWhyGal said...

The pillow is gorgeous! I love the color. I look forward to seeing your newest weaving project. That pattern looks like a lot of fun.

I've just begun to weave and found your blog in the process. I am already learning a lot.


Julie said...

Love the color of your pillow and boy what a great deal!

I can't wait to see how your ocean turns out!

Theresa said...

Nice score on the fabric and the pillow is the perfect touch for that chair. If Sasha approves, I certainly do!
Love the warp. Yes, mohair is sticky, sometimes, lightly combing the section that is coming up on the lease sticks helps. Use a wide tooth comb. Should be great fun weaving that pattern. My Dad did something similar in bamboo and many shades of blue.


Thanks Delighted and Julie.

Spinning - I don't really know so I guess I can sample each color and may a choice, I think I wanted the navy, but am in love with the Caribbean Blue color, it pops out something serious. That Joanne's is the best around very organized which I love, the Michael's across the way is a disaster.

Theresa - I have an afro pick, gee is that PC to say anymore well I don't know what else to call it, and I use that to comb through yarns I've also used it to beat weft into place when I used the RH. Handy tool for only a buck a piece. :) Do you have a pic of your dad's scarf with the same draft, I'd love to see it.

Wondergal, If you like I can point you to some fantastic weaving blogs, all the ladies commenting here are awesome visit them you learn much more and get really excited to weave.

Judy said...

What a great pillow and how nice is it to create it yourself and save money too?

I really like the colors that you've chosen for your warp and the design that you're going to weave. Nice combination.

I hope that your Mom is feeling better.