Monday, November 27, 2006
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday, I know we did, had ham with all the fixings yum!! Got our Christmas tree up the same day. Since these are the last holidays before the kids go to college, we trying to enjoy them as much as possible.
Friday, which is shop till you drop day, I spent the day painting my bathroom since we're getting the house ready to sell there are odds and ends (isn't that always the case, odds and ends that never end) needing to get done so Friday was a good day for that, (God only knows I was not about the venture out and fight traffic, crabby shoppers and annoyed sales people )now I have to do the other bathroom, wish I had another four days off to complete it, maybe this weekend I'll get to that. Crafting --- humm let me think---- no nothing there not even one stitch or weave, depressing isn't it.
Friday, November 17, 2006

Well, nothing like a few hours to yourself to finish a project up!! ;oD, I did it and concentrated - now I can watch TV, talk and knit all at the same time (imagine that, such talent). Well at least I mastered the knit stitch which is a really tight stitch and looks great. Thanks, Islea for the video it help out alot. Yes, the walls in my kitchen are really that color, it's called pumpkin pie, kind of appropriate for this time of the year.
I've always have gotten comments on the

Well, I guess that's enough just my $0.02. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Comments, New Sweater and Wine Bottle Cover

Thank you all for the comments you sure know how to make a girl feel good. I am not trying to lure **wink wink - Denise** anyone to the tri loom but it sure it fun. Liz, the loom dresses itself with the warp and weft going at the same time if you'd like more info try yahoo groups Triloom, there's a bunch of great people there with a ton of knowledge. To the rest of my fans, I like to thank all the little people that make me fabulously famous and filthy rich without you ** Oh no!!!! sorry, that's from my 15 mins of fame speech for my academy award** ROFLOL.
New Sweater

I started a new sweater (picture above) cause I just can't seem to look at any of my bare naked looms screaming at me WHAT NO YARN!! ( heheheh). Plus, I always need something to work on at lunch and a 7' triloom just doesn't travel well. I knitted the sleeves on
the green KK and started the sweater on the lt blue KKII's I want to see if I can't knit it in the round with no seams, I just can't wait to figure out the arm holes and V-neck. ;o0
Wine Bottle Cover
Since Christmas is around the corner and I'm really not that busy *insert eyeroll here* I decided it would be nice to knit some wine bottle covers instead of going to the DOLLAR STORE and buying them, you know, that personal touch. Well let me tell you, I have been knitting this cover since TUESDAY mind you, nothing fancy, but I decided that I would try the knit stitch, which is the one that you place the yarn over the loop instead take your hook and pull it under take it off the peg and then put the new loop on....... instead of the ewrap stitch which now has a different name the twist/ ewrap/ knit stitch, but that's another topic altogether. This stitch is driving my nuts, I forget and so I purl and not knit and I knit and not purl where I need to, so needless to say I'm annoyed, cause it's not going fast enough to do as many as I need, I love the look of the stitch but since I need speed the rest will definately be done with ewrap and purl. I guess it didn't help that I was watching a movie last night either (hehehehehehehe). I'm not as multitask-ketted (new word) as I thought. Okay enough nonsense, later gator.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Okay I promised some photos and here they are

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Round KK's, Trilooms and stuff
On the tri-loom I still have my grandma's shawl, it's taking longer than I though it would but since I only work on it in the evenings, I guess my progress is not so bad, plus running out of yarn in the middle is also a delay factor, but I got more now and today I plan on really making a dent in it. I'd like to try to finish it this weekend and get my ruana going, I'd like to take that with me on my trip to NC in December, I got over six weeks to weave two tri's and sew them together I think I can do it in time. I would love to do the log cabin pattern for it, but I don't really like fringe and I can't get around it with this technique so maybe two over two would be good I have some sport weight I could try out and see if it works for me. I'll put up some WIP pics for you all to see.