
Friday, May 04, 2007

Almost done!!

This will be the new collar for the cable sweater, I've measured and re-calucalted and re-measured and I think its right now. WHEW!!! what an ordeal this one has been a true test of paitence, but I'm going to be happy to wear it this winter when we go house hunting in NC. I have been debating on the pattern for this one. I haven't started writing yet, but since I've had my difficulties I don't really know if a can. I guess I should have been writing as I was knitting and then I would not wind up with this dilema in the end. I cabled so much on this one that I've given up on cabling the new chunky sweater I figure I could use the break of twisting and pulling yarn , hehehe. The "beach" sweater is a simple K4P2 pattern that I'm doing on the KKII's I really like it and I can relax my mind as I knit. I 'll take a pic this weekend so you all can see. The ruana is coming along, although I thought I would finish the first panel last weekend of course that never happened so I'm hoping for some time this weekend. It's getting hard to work on yarn project when the sun is shining and it's beach season, although I have been known to take knitting to the beach and sit under the umbrella, much to my husband's caringe!!

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