Another year come and gone, in the blink of an eye, at least that's how is seemed.
I've been reading some blogs and I love
every one's disposition of fresh new year and new start, in that spirit, I'll do a 25 things you don't know about me meme, since I can't fathom having to do the 100. If you can read this thank a teacher, if you can write a meme thank another teacher, and if you can spell,
punctuate and write in context, kiss a high school English teacher.
1. I miss the change of seasons, I spent New Years at 80 degrees ??
2. I'm married for the second time and after 13 yrs still in love with him
3. We are a
Brady bunch family (boys his, girl mine).
4. I came to the US when I was 3 and became a citizen when I was 23.
5. I can read French, but can't speak it. (That's what 4yrs of high school French does to you)
6. Any kind of wine makes me sleepy within 1/2 an hour.
7. I loathe the fact that most people think Fidel Castro is the "President" of Cuba, duh DICTATOR.
8. I loved geography and world history when I was in school.
9. I hate the word mines, since a lot of people use it instead of mine.
10. I can read, write and speak
Spanish fluently.
11. I love a good laugh, the kind that makes your
stomach hurt.
12. I'm an
independent, couldn't decide between parties, both have pros/cons.
13. I hate the way kids butcher the English language see #9.
14. I don't balance my checkbook, EVER.
15. I finish projects (eventually).
16. Till year ago, I didn't know what DH,
SIL, the the other acronyms meant
17. I love to organize.
18. I can't eat anything spicy.
19. I can punch as hard as a guy (really my husband says so)
20. I'm thankful for everyday the Lord allows me to enjoy.
21. I don't like it when parents don't
discipline their children and expect everyone else to accept it.
22. I lived in Union City, NJ til I was 14 and miss it.
23. I really don't like Miami, never have.
24. I don't understand why people are so concerned with celebrities.
25. I paint murals.