I decided I would join the Colors of the Month Club? Fun with Fiber better known as bspinner has been posting some awesome pictures of the Month along with pics of fiber and projects. I thought I might share what March looks like in South Florida.
I don't know what to say about this Staghorn, she's been with me for 10 years and is taking over the pot with the dead ficus tree stump.
Sweet Basil, just flowering, I use the seeds to keep them going year round.
Marigolds I planted in February.
I don't know the name of this one but it grows in my front garden and I can't kill it, so as Martha would say "it's a good thing".
My flowering Mango tree, super sweet and delicious.

March looks pretty darn lush there! Yum..mangos!
Hmm. Blogger isn't loading photos very well. Not just here, but other blogs as well. I'll be back!
Nice plants. Your basil is lovely. Grown in a pot?
I have a thorny plant like that called Crown of Thorns. That's what the girl who gave it to me called it.
Oh, now I'm jealous. All I have blooming are crocuses!
Beautiful colors!
Leigh, I was having a hard time yesterday with pics viewing and uploading. Hopefully the gliche is gone today.
Becky - I grow all my edibles in containers because the soil here is too acidic and sandy. Plus it's easier for the lazy me to weed :).
Theresa - Yes it's lush here most of the year, but after a while you crave the changes of season, hence the fact that I go North every winter, opposite of the snowbird that visit us LOL..
Lynn- just wait I bet your pics of spring and summer will be awesome.
You know how jealous your northern bloger friends are don't you???
Lovely pictures!!!
Yep, the thorny one is Crown of Thorns.
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