Mr. Deepend made my warping board this weekend after much debating and consulting of my weaving books he finished it in no time. She's not as polished as the one's you get online but she was economical totaling $ 16.00 +/- with one hour of actual work from sanding to assembly.

After the initial shock of having a warping board and figuring out what to do with it. I warped for a project on the Structo, the one that was beating me down yesterday.

I finally was able to take the warp and put it on the back beam, I get the concept of doing it this way since I warp the RH from the beam to peg. I was trying to do it from front to back and I need to practice it more in order to get the idea and motions down. Thank you for suggesting I post pics so that you all can help me out. So far this is all I have, I will start threadling the heddles for the mug rugs I talked about in this
post. I move the thread around a bit and that's why it looks so messy, but I think I got it right, I guess I do, I'm hopeful.

The pronged wood piece is my only knitting loom I kept, came in handy as a raddle, when I was winding the warp. Does this look right?? I need to apprentice with one of you for a while lol, in the mean time, I saving my pennies to get to the Folk School in North Carolina or Penland for a week, hey I can dream, and dream big!
Keep the pictures coming. I too have a warping board, but no idea how to use it (only having done direct warping on rigid heddle before). The "cross" and using lease sticks really confuses me.
I have Deb Chandler's book and it explains alot, but I'm a visual learner so I'm a bit confused, I will take more pics tonight as I go along hopefully someone will be able to tell me if I'm screwing up.
Your DH did an excellent job on the warping board! The warping of a loom is painful but it will be less so each time until you won't think much of it at all!
Don't you just love new toys? It looks like a good sturdy one. How long of a warp can you get from it?
Nice job Mr. Deepend! And either school has wonderful classes, you can't go wrong. Happy weaving!
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