
Monday, March 01, 2010

Warping the Structo

ARRRRGGGHHHH! That's all I can say. How do you guys do this?? I'm all knotted and annoyed even with the book I followed it to a T. I'm stepping away for a day before I try to make sense of it.


Julie said...

Sounds like a good idea. I hope things will look better tomorrow!

Good luck!

Delighted Hands said...

A friend would help-can you rope in an accomplice?!

Peg in South Carolina said...

pictures, description? Maybe with these we can help?

Lynn Majidimehr said...

Like Peg said, pictures would help us help you. While I warp my floor loom back to front, I'm taking a weaving class on a table loom and we're warping front to back, which is different for me, but not difficult. There are some online videos, and some weaver's blogs show how they warp their looms that may help.